Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Tindora plants

Tindora plants

Hello veggie growing friends,

My Tindora nursery is gearing up for the season. As soon as they start sprouting, I can send them your way. They are free, but you will need to send me a prepaid FedEx envelope if you are interested in getting one. Email me for my address and plant availability.

I have some already sprouting!

I would like to get some feedback from anyone who already got a plant from me last year. Is the plant doing well in your yard? Be sure to cut a few stems and plant them in pots or in water filled bottles before winter sets in. Store them indoors. You can plant them in spring. These plants start sprouting while indoors so you may have to keep them trimmed to prevent them from getting to wild. Would appreciate if you could post some pictures of your plant. 


  1. Hi I followed your blogs. Love it. could you please share your tindora cuttings. I can pay for it. Thank you.

  2. now is not the time. contact me in nov or dec i will have cutting. i send it for free.

  3. hi sella can i get tindora cuttings
